Fall Schedule
classes start the week of October 20th
Sundays starting October 20th:​
9:30am Prenatal Yoga at Norberry-Glenlee CC in St. Vital, with Bethany​
​​Mondays starting October 21st:​
9:30am Family Fitness & All Day Play at Kid City in St. Boniface, with Steph
11:00am Stroller Fitness at North Kildonan CC, with Shannon​​​
1:00pm Stroller Fitness at West St. Paul Access Centre, with Shannon
Tuesdays starting October 22nd:​
6:00am Morning Kickstart Fitness on Zoom, with Steph
10:00am Stroller Fitness at Fort Garry CC, with Steph
12:00pm Baby & Me Fitness at South Transcona CC, with Shannon
7:00pm Prenatal Yoga at East Elmwood CC, with Bethany
Wednesdays starting October 23rd:​​
​9:45am Baby & Me Yoga at Norberry-Glenlee CC in St. Vital, with Amy​
11:30am Stroller Fitness at Glenwood CC in Old St Vital, with Steph​​
7:00pm Evening Fitness at Notre Dame Rec Center in St. Boniface, with Steph
​​​​Thursdays starting October 24th:​​
10:00am Stroller Yoga Fitness at Champlain CC in St. Boniface, with Steph
12:30pm Lunchtime! All-Levels Fitness on Zoom, with Steph
Fridays starting October 25th:​​
6:00am Morning Kickstart Fitness on Zoom, with Steph
11:00am Stroller Fitness at Winakwa CC in Windsor Park, with Steph